CustomerScoringMetrics - Evaluation Metrics for Customer Scoring Models Depending on
Binary Classifiers
Functions for evaluating and visualizing predictive model
performance (specifically: binary classifiers) in the field of
customer scoring. These metrics include lift, lift index, gain
percentage, top-decile lift, F1-score, expected
misclassification cost and absolute misclassification cost. See
Berry & Linoff (2004, ISBN:0-471-47064-3), Witten and Frank
(2005, 0-12-088407-0) and Blattberg, Kim & Neslin (2008,
ISBN:978–0–387–72578–9) for details. Visualization functions
are included for lift charts and gain percentage charts. All
metrics that require class predictions offer the possibility to
dynamically determine cutoff values for transforming
real-valued probability predictions into class predictions.